The Crooked Heart Path
Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD

The Crooked Heart Path

There are some that believe the brain is the center of consciousness, but I challenge that belief. In fact, I would argue that the brain has become quite a distraction in our understanding of consciousness—a tricky and sleuth distraction…

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Deconstructing the “right to comfort”
Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD

Deconstructing the “right to comfort”

Challenging the “right to comfort” is a must if we are to divest from the characteristics of white supremacy culture, but is also a reflection of a deeper spiritual truth named by the Buddha…

Art by Melanie G. S. Walby

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The Timing of Life
Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD

The Timing of Life

Moving into your own authentic embodied experience requires letting go of linear time. The ancient Greeks had two words for time — chronos and kairos…

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Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD


When we write things down, we transform the mental and emotional into the physical. When we put words to our thoughts and place them outside of our minds and into the world, they become real. A huge part of the mental liberation journey is taking that which is unseen, or stuck in the mental realm, and daring to make it seen…

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Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD


Breaking cycles is hard. Some people call the process of breaking free from old patterns or cycles that no longer serve them cyclebreaking. Other terms such as conditioned trauma response patterns, generational curses, or even karma, refer to a similar fundamental concept. Some aspect of the self is stuck in the past, unable to enjoy and experience peace in the present moment, and suffering because of it…

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Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD


Emotional Volatility is often due to the inability to tolerate negative and neutral emotions. Increasing our ability to feel negative and neutral emotions increases our window of tolerance to stressors and triggers. Use the image of the pendulum to better understand your inner emotional world, and how to move through difficult or unpleasant emotions…

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Krystal H. Parrish, PhD Krystal H. Parrish, PhD


Liberation of the mind leads to freedom from suffering in the body…

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