The Timing of Life

Moving into your own authentic embodied experience requires letting go of linear time.

The ancient Greeks had two words for time — chronos and kairos. A shorthand explanation for each of these words would be “linear time” and “divine timing,” or for short time and timing. If you think about the movement of Nature through time and space, you come to see that every being has its own right timing. That “right” timing is specific and unique to that being. When you zoom out and look at the unfolding or becoming of every being—such as the germination of a seed, or the growth of a tree—you begin to see patterns. And yet, every being, such as a tree, has its own unique timing based on its internal and external conditions.

When we observe the larger patterns of the timing of life, as humans we are invited to remember our own nature. We are invited to live in synchrony with this natural sense of our own inner timing. When we train our minds to surrender to the timing of things we begin to fundamentally accept things as they are—Nature as it is. The Ego mind perceives time through linear, chronological structures (e.g., calendars, clocks, etc.), which serve the idea that time can run out, or even be missed. But this modern, linear conception of time is not the only relationship to time that Humans have had. In ancient Norse mythology, the concept of time is represented by the three Norse Goddesses known as the Norns. They represent past, present, and future. And together they weave the tapestry of life and spin the threads of our destiny.

Moving into kairos timing and letting of chronos time, is moving into a multidimensional way of being—seeing the tapestry of your life as a whole, not just a single thread. When we do this, we let go of the struggle and suffering created by the Ego mind’s desperate attemtps to control the timing of things through linear time. When we let go of this fight and surrender to timing, we see and touch the knowing of a greater design—the woven patterns—the interconnected paths of our destiny. We see the totality. Everything. Everywhere. All. At Once.

How beautiful.

Living this way is becoming jazz.

© 2023 Krystal H. Parrish, PhD. All Rights Reserved.


Interrupting thought spirals

