The Crooked Heart Path

There are some who believe the brain is the center of consciousness, but I challenge that belief. In fact, I would argue that the brain has become quite a distraction in our understanding of consciousness—a tricky and sleuth distraction.

In recent decades science has started to “discover” the “consciousness” of the body. Of course, Ayurvedic, African, and other Eastern traditions have documented the science of the body for centuries—so of course, the term “science” here has a baked-in Western gaze. We seem to have forgotten the origins of science (before white supremacy appropriated it as a discipline), but I digress.

In recent years, Western science has begun to document and observe the consciousness of the body, such that consciousness does not hold one origin point, but rather acts as a network of equally conscious interconnecting communication centers (Yoga refers to these as chakras). This “discovery” has resulted in a preponderance of evidence linking the neural networks of the brain with similar “neuronal” pathways within The Heart and The Gut. I prefer to call these 3 communication hubs, “The Three Brains”: The Mind, The Heart, and The Gut.

In short, The Gut tells us “No.” The Heart tells us “Yes!” And the Mind either tells us, “I don’t know,” or “Let’s make a plan.” It is my strong belief that in lieu of operating from a top-down model—which I believe reflects the current presiding models of white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy—humankind would greatly benefit from a model that is more aptly designed and modeled after indigenous science (I encourage all to thoroughly research modern indigenous science).

Essentially, I truly believe a bottom-up method is the only sustainable solution for humankind’s liberation from suffering. Specifically, I suggest my clients first listen to their Gut Consciousness™ for a “No,” (which connotates a boundary around their safety—emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually), followed by listening to their Heart Consciousness™ for an “Enthusiastic Yes!,” (which communicates their value-driven desires), and last (but not least), they can consult with their Mind Consciousness, as the creative director and executor of their plans, in pursuit of their Heart’s desires, and within the safe limits of their Gut’s boundaries. I call this method — The Crooked Heart Path™.

The Crooked Heart Path calls for courage, as it requires an unreasonable relationship with risk. Often along the crooked heart path, we cannot see around the bend. This inability to see or control the future through the linear Ego mind can be quite uncomfortable and even startling. Ultimately, The Crooked Heart Path is one of surrender and bravery. We must surrender our attachment to how we think our heart’s desires will manifest, and instead stay present with the NOW, placing one foot in front of the other, and savoring the beauty of this succulent journey—falling in love with life itself, as opposed to the imagined destination.

For those who identify as “cycle-breakers,” or “curse-breakers,” The Cooked Heart Path is a requirement. It is for those who dare to dream, and for those who dare to imagine a life free of suffering.

To Our Parents: a poem

I am the projection of your living dream,

yet you no longer dream.

I am the projection of your heart’s

longing for itself, yet you can

never grab hold of me.

I am the mirror that shows your nature,

and you are stunned.

I am not who you think I am.

I am not made in your image, but

the image of god/Dess is within me.

This image strikes fear in your mind,

for it is all-encompassing,

and within ALL

no stone goes unturned.

I am the ALL, in love with light and dark.

Do not be afraid of my mirror’s reflection,

or its shadowy depths.

It is only your self who is afraid.

It is truly your Self that is in love.

I am love.

Do you dare to remember your Nature?

Do you dare to crack open and fall

apart, that I may fill your crevices

and smooth over your edges?

Do not be afraid.

You may break, but you will not die.

I am forever.

I am.

© 2023 Krystal H. Parrish, PhD. All Rights Reserved.


Deconstructing the “right to comfort”